Discover your podcast's potential
Pod PredictorSM is your shot for an early look at the measurable appeal of your podcast concept before you spend time, money and effort.
Discover your podcast's potential
Pod Predictor is your shot for an early look at the measurable appeal of your podcast concept before you spend time, money and effort.

Test two podcasts concepts against each other including title and elevator pitch

A/B test your concepts pre-launch to ensure you debut with the more appealing choice…or test concepts on an existing podcast to ensure your message is optimized.

Your concepts will be tested with 500 podcast consumers in the United States. We’ll measure appeal by age, gender, ethnicity, and category interest, so you’ll know who it appeals to and where to promote it.

Ask about testing your concepts with more specific audiences by demographic and/or category interest to match your strategy.

Ensure your podcast reaches the right audience with the right message.
Your new podcast deserves data that empowers your content and marketing.
Pod Predictor is designed to offer clarity on which concept most resonates, and with whom. Walk away with a clear picture. And an optimized podcast.
Test with real podcast consumers
Your podcast audiences can be better understood -- with actual podcast consumers.
Get accurate, clear and consistent data to power your content and monetization strategies through a podcast concept test. Inform your content strategy and advertising decisions with real people and real data.

Schedule a Pod Predictor Demo
Have an idea or just want more information? Reach out to our podcast specialists today!

Discover your podcast's potential
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