Recently, a sharp and forward-thinking client forwarded me an article referencing findings published in The Journal of Consumer Research, along with the following question: “We do a lot of research to make our products more likable—but what else do we need to do to make them more consumable?” Inherent in this question is the understanding … Continue reading It’s Not Enough For Your Brand To Be Liked»
Maybe you have gotten into this habit: I text people before I call them to ask permission, I guess, to call at a certain time. Turns out I’m not alone. This is the “new” phone etiquette. The Washington Post advised back in 2023 that you should “text first and never leave a voicemail.” So I’m … Continue reading Rethinking Communication Habits Of Radio Listeners»
The top shelf of podcasting is a tough nut to crack. To say there is “Joe Rogan and everyone else” is an oversimplification, but rooted in reality. When we ask podcast consumers in our research which shows are top-of-mind, whether or not they watch or listen, Rogan’s lead is astronomical. This has generally translated into … Continue reading How An Internet Meme Conquered Video Podcasting»
To be clear right from the start, we won’t be using this edition of Tuesdays With Coleman to address the political tensions between the United States and Canada. No matter where you stand politically, if you’re in American radio and preparing for Nielsen Audio’s release of the first audience estimates using the new “three-minute rule” … Continue reading What Americans Can Learn From Canadians»
The 2024 film “A Complete Unknown” uses Bob Dylan’s electric controversy as a lens to examine a timeless business dilemma: how do established brands navigate radical change? While on its surface it’s a Bob Dylan biopic chronicling his journey from folk darling to electric revolutionary, the film offers real insights into every business’s challenges when … Continue reading Advice To Radio From The Bob Dylan Biopic “A Complete Unknown”»
Why would a company want to launch a branded podcast? For starters, it’s a unique form of outreach to add to a marketing plan. Relative to a more standard advertising campaign, a branded podcast can be a cost-efficient way for a company to provide content that grows its image and supports the values of the … Continue reading Why Should My Company Launch A Branded Podcast?»
Over the years, “Because we’ve always done it that way” has become a bit of a caricature. We picture someone in the boardroom answering “Why are we doing that?” with the dreaded habitual response. I don’t remember the last time I heard someone say that, and yet…it is done repeatedly. It’s not to say that … Continue reading Jack White Upends “Because We’ve Always Done It That Way”»
There have been many famous anti-litter campaigns over the years: Woodsy the Owl’s “Give a Hoot! Don’t pollute,” “Keep America Beautiful” with Iron Eyes Cody, the Indigenous person who cried at the sight of litter being tossed out of cars, and the “Don’t Mess With Texas” campaign initiated by the Texas DOT. Now the state … Continue reading Breaking Bad Habits: Don’t Litter In Walter White’s Territory»
“Your greatest strength begets your greatest weakness” is a quote typically attributed to William Shakespeare. The idea is that excelling in one dimension may reveal a vulnerability in another. For example, the military that develops overwhelming superiority on its northern flank may find itself under-prepared for an attack on its southern flank. While one … Continue reading Your Brand’s Strength Or Weakness? It’s A Matter Of Perspective.»
Transparency. It’s easier said than done. Brands have traditionally held back information from their customers, for reasons that may include: Fear of exposing vulnerabilities The perception that the customer “can’t handle” the information Perceived lack of control Concern about negative impact on the brand’s image On the other hand, think about the positives that can … Continue reading How United Airlines Is Trying To Win The Trust Image»