How Chevrolet Made Me Cry By Not Promoting a Sales Event

December 12, 2023

I cried while watching football. No, it’s not because my Browns lost another late-season game. I expect that this time of year, but for some reason I still watch anyway. I cried watching Chevrolet’s 2023 holiday ad, “A Holiday To Remember.” If you are overly sentimental, I’ll summarize the commercial for you. Otherwise, please watch … Continue reading How Chevrolet Made Me Cry By Not Promoting a Sales Event »

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How Research and Strategy Beat an 89% Approval Rating

December 5, 2023
Rob Lowe Literally podcast George Stephanopoulos

I recently listened to an episode of Rob Lowe’s podcast, Literally! With Rob Lowe, which featured an interview with George Stephanopoulos. While the episode lasts over an hour, there is one thing Stephanopoulos mentions 17 minutes and 35 seconds in that struck me. Actually, it’s three things. First, it’s important to be aware of Stephanopoulos’s … Continue reading How Research and Strategy Beat an 89% Approval Rating »

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Always Good Work

November 21, 2023

If you live in the southeastern portion of the United States, you might be familiar with Baker Roofing, one of the nation’s largest roofing contractors. And if you are familiar with Baker Roofing, you might also be familiar with a phrase that is prominently displayed on each of their work trucks, a promise that founder … Continue reading Always Good Work »

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Four Scary Research Stories

October 31, 2023

Last week, Meghan Campbell and I hosted the latest edition of our Coleman Insights “Ask Me Anything” webinar series and shared four scary research stories just in time for Halloween. I’ll recap them here, with some tips, tricks, and treats to ensure your outcome isn’t frightening. Story #1: The Bad Ratings Story When I was … Continue reading Four Scary Research Stories »

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Advertising is More Valuable Than Premium Subscribers?

October 24, 2023

I read an article recently that surprised me. It explained that Netflix’s “Basic With Ads” subscribers are more valuable to Netflix than ad-free subscribers who pay $15.49 a month. I always thought the streaming business model depended on us all paying higher and higher subscription fees. Turns out, all these services want us to watch … Continue reading Advertising is More Valuable Than Premium Subscribers? »

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Three Ways to Build a Brand and Remain Relevant

October 10, 2023

Today’s Tuesdays With Coleman blog post features guest contributor Deena Hollander, President of Advantage Music Research. Coleman Insights and Advantage Music Research have a strategic partnership where each firm refers potential clients to the other when it is deemed the other’s music testing offering may be better suited to a client’s needs. A friend from … Continue reading Three Ways to Build a Brand and Remain Relevant »

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