Fact360 logo with tagline

Online music testing done right.

We recruit respondents via cell phone, online, and landline to take music tests via an easy­-to-use online platform. This is dramatically more convenient for respondents than the Auditorium Music Test (AMT) approach. The online music test method allows us to complete data collection efficiently and recruit samples that are more representative of your target audience.

We use only the highest-graded source of sample and employ a wide variety array of quality controls to ensure only the “right” respondents participate in your FACT360SM study.

A mix of many music records on a table

Radio stations that use FACT360 Strategic Music Tests enjoy music libraries ideally constructed to optimize ratings performance and strengthen their brands. We accomplish this by providing the following benefits with every FACT360 Strategic Music Test:

Sample Guarantee

We guarantee that we will be within a 10% margin of error for every agreed-upon quota

Sample Guarantee

Pre-Test Analysis

We will ensure that you test a list of titles that are consistent with the music strategy your station follows

Pre-Test Analysis

Strategic Measures

Go beyond Familiarity, Popularity, and Burn levels of each song you test

Advanced Strategic Measures

TSL Max Measurement

Optional TSL MaxSM helps you face the challenge of balancing the tastes of your Cume audience with the appetites of your heavy Time Spent Listening-generating care listeners


We will provide you with a measure of how strongly each song you test is associated with your station and its competitors


By providing you with scores indicating how compatible each song you test is with the most strategically important appetites among your target listeners, we will help your station optimize the cohesion of your music mix

"Coleman's approach provides us with a 360 degree look of our audience's evolving tastes and how we can satisfy them. FACT360 Strategic Music Tests play a vital role in turning a list of great songs into an enduring radio brand."

– Steve Jones, Senior Vice President of Brands & Content, Stingray

In-Depth Analysis. Actionable Recommendations.

When the data from your FACT360 study is collected, we will not simply send it to you and leave it up to you to sort through. Instead, we will analyze the numbers in depth and assess what they mean in the context of
your overall music strategy. This analysis will lead us to make actionable recommendations to you on how the study should be implemented (known as “The Plan”).

This includes music library structure, rotation levels, and music imaging goals. We will deliver the results of our analysis and “The Plan” in an online presentation.

Furthermore, we will help you sort the results of the study into your on-air categories using our Category Architect and pcFACTSM software.

By the time we complete an online session together, the results of your study will be ready to be implemented on-air.

Producing creating a show

Hands-On Implementation

Following the delivery and implementation of each FACT360 Strategic Music Test, we will complete a music monitor analysis of your station. This report will objectively assess the impact the implementation of the study had on your station’s sound and will allow us to make sure this impact is consistent with your station’s strategy.

Fact360 logo with tagline

Online music testing done right.

Mailing Address
PO Box 97424
Raleigh, NC 27624

Email Address

Phone Number
(919) 571-0000