Building Strong Brands.
Developing Great Content.

Your Research Project isn’t Complete…
until it’s Coleman Complete
The delivery of high-quality data is only the beginning. Coleman Complete ensures you get a sizable return on your research investment.

Watch our FAQ Video Series to hear Coleman Insights’ Senior Consultants answer some of the most common questions we receive.
“We don’t just deliver research, we deliver insights to help you build and strengthen your brand”
Brands We Work With
Coleman Insights/Advantage Music Research Strategic Partnership
Coleman Insights and Advantage Music Research have a strategic partnership where each firm refers potential clients to the other when it is deemed the other’s music testing offering may be better suited to a client’s needs.
Advantage refers clients who require a deeper level of insights and recommendations provided by a FACT360 Strategic Music Test to Coleman Insights.
Coleman refers clients with which it has competitive conflicts or whose budgets and/or needs are better aligned with what a Scorecard music test offers to Advantage Music Research.
For more information on Advantage Music Research, please visit their website.
Get in Touch
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Europe: +49 40 65697380
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Mailing Address:
Coleman Insights
PO Box 97424
Raleigh, NC 27624
Street Address:
Coleman Insights
16 West Martin Street
Raleigh, NC 27601