April 28, 2020

Contemporary Music SuperStudy 2


How have contemporary music tastes changed since our first groundbreaking Contemporary Music SuperStudy?

The second annual edition of the Contemporary Music SuperStudy is here to answer that question.

Contemporary Music SuperStudy 2 tracks contemporary music tastes across the United States and Canada to learn how they evolve. Due to the cancellation of this year’s Worldwide Radio Summit, the presentation from Warren Kurtzman, John Boyne and Sam Milkman  took place via webinar.

Findings include which songs are the most consumed of the past year; which genres are on the rise and decline; how tastes vary by a wide array of factors, including gender, age, ethnicity, geography and audio platform usage, as well as a look at the best and worst testing songs.


Click here to access the Contemporary Music SuperStudy 2 sortable song-by-song data!


Watch the recording of the Contemporary Music SuperStudy 2 webinar: Click Here


Contemporary Music’s Report Card

The Lay of the Land of Contemporary Music Tastes

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