How Zoom’s Brand and Content Won the Pandemic

March 16, 2021

As we approach the one-year anniversary of the COVID lockdown, it seems everyone has hit the wall of “Zoom Fatigue.” Notice I didn’t say “Google Meet Fatigue” or “Microsoft Teams Fatigue” or “GoToMeeting Fatigue.” The pandemic has left a path of brand destruction, while elevating others–and Zoom certainly fits in the “other” category. How did … Continue reading How Zoom’s Brand and Content Won the Pandemic »

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The Legend of Jack Falvey

February 16, 2021

Tell me if any of these things sound familiar. Gourmet hamburgers smothered in chili, guacamole, bleu cheese, and bacon. A funky hotel with cheap beer and Frank Sinatra on the jukebox. Alcohol delivered to your door. Gourmet hamburgers? There’s now a restaurant slinging variations of the classic on seemingly every corner. A funky hotel? Boutique … Continue reading The Legend of Jack Falvey »

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Is Your Research Complete?

January 25, 2021

In 1978, when Jon Coleman started Coleman Insights, he had a clear vision of the kind of company he wanted to build. As he recounted in this video forty years later, he wanted to “go beyond just providing information and provide insights that yield to real actions.” Jon also wanted to help clients formulate and … Continue reading Is Your Research Complete? »

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The Year Ahead, Part 2

January 12, 2021

This is the second of our two-part blog series focusing on a roundtable discussion about the impact of 2020’s upheaval on the audio entertainment industry. Last week’s post focused on what the social justice movement, the election, and the pandemic meant for how people consume and what they want from audio entertainment. In this second … Continue reading The Year Ahead, Part 2 »

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