Beer, Bourbon, and Hummus

July 27, 2021

When visiting family in San Francisco recently, we passed a small corner store, of which there are many in the city. But as we drove towards a particular one, I noticed three words on the front that grabbed me—“Beer, Bourbon, and Hummus.” Riding in the drivers’ seat in a car going around 40 miles an … Continue reading Beer, Bourbon, and Hummus »

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Radio’s Got a Story to Tell

July 20, 2021

Sometimes a radio station changes its name, format, or both. Other times it makes a morning show switch—sometimes the talent leaves voluntarily, in other instances not so much. How do stations usually handle these large-scale changes? On far too many occasions, they move forward in their on-air presentations like it’s “business as usual.” And that … Continue reading Radio’s Got a Story to Tell »

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The Age Relevance Rebrand

June 8, 2021

The market segment has been around for decades. One of the brands in this segment was consistently popular but was declining in popularity—in part thanks to a wave of competition—and in large part because it had an age relevance problem. Originally a success with young men, this brand eventually was perceived as a product more … Continue reading The Age Relevance Rebrand »

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